The Star And Her Lover

Sun_Yang__Yin_Moon_by_TheDookieIf every human being was synonymous with a star, her’s wouldn’t be the biggest, but it’d be the brightest,
The one others use to help them find their way, throwing light into the darkest places.
The very embodiment of her essence was to help others, with little regard for herself,
And yet when it came to it she’s often the only one left gathering dust on the shelf.
It’s truly tragic when those that have the ability to shine brightest aren’t allowed to do so.
Some may say it’s because the world would be unable to handle the true extent of their beauty,
But truthfully that’s utter bullshit, those people are just too terrified to try.
Afraid it’ll be so overwhelming they’ll be out shone and up staged,
So they hide these most angelic of stars at the furthest corners of The Universe.
But nevertheless she never stopped trying to help others shine,
Encouraging new stars to burn to their full potential, guiding those that were lost,
Sacrificing herself without a second thought or consideration for the cost.
To some she was a guardian angel, to others a spirit guide, or an ethereal godmother,
And to one, a lover. A star that wanted nothing more than for her to be recognised.
For her to burn to her full potential, because he knew it was greater than any other.
But he feared he’d be unable to achieve what he so desperately sought after.
For he’d unconsciously outshone her on more than one occasion,
And in remorse for his omissions he made himself burn low and insignificant.
But this only upset his lover more, for she was the archetype of selflessness,
And seeing him wither was the opposite of what she wanted for him.
So, at a loss for what to do he confided in the Moon, the wisest in The Universe.
She told him how she and the Sun suffered a similar upheaval in times passed.
And about the solution they both eventually came to, and she told him:
“The Sun loved me so much he died every night just to let me breath”
And upon hearing this, the star knew what he had to do.
So he returned to his beloved and they spoke until the night crept into day.
And so it was that they decided they should take it in turns to shine,
She during the day, bringing people happiness, warmth and hope,
And he during the night, to look after those that were troubled until she returned.
Then on certain days during the year they could be seen in the sky together,
Both shining in beautiful unison, their love setting the sky on fire.
And so it was that this once forgotten star grew into the most powerful Sun that had ever been,
And he into a Moon, both a perfect embodiment of nature’s balance.
Their love latest an eternity, carrying hope for all others on throughout the remainder of time.


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